Social Affective Neuroscience Society 2021 (Virtual, (Undergraduate mentees presented))
Society of Biological Psychiatry 2019 (Undergraduate mentees presented)
Open Science
- Pre-registered Hypotheses
- Data
- Data and Code for juror decision making papers
- Narrative and utility processing during juror decision making Preprint Link
- Social cognitive processes explain bias in juror decisions Preprint Link
- Data and Code for dopamine pharmacology meta analysis (from Castrellon et al., 2020. Psychopharmacology.)
- Raw fMRI and dopamine PET data from 25 healthy young adults (from Castrellon et al., 2019. Scientific Reports.)
- Data and Code for dopamine D2 receptor availability & reward discounting (from Castrellon et al., 2018. Journal of Neuroscience.)
- Data and Code for juror decision making papers
Fellowship Applications
In sharing examples of successful and unsuccessful grant applications, I hope these resources are helpful to any hopeful applicants out there! Please do not copy or take anything from these proposals without asking about it. Feel free to reach out if you have questions about either of these applications:
- NIH/NINDS (D-SPAN) Award (F99/K00)
- K00 - Neural mechanisms of sustained and transient hierarchy on social decision making
- F99 - Dopaminergic neuromodulation of social decision making (1F99NS120412-01A1)
- December 2020 (score: 11)
- April 2020 (score: 36)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- 2016-2017 application cycle (scores: VG,E/E,E/E,E)
- Research Plan Statement
- Personal Statement
- Rating Sheet
Data Demo
To help illustrate the relationship between spontaneously experienced desires and personal goal conflict, check out the interactive sankey plot below! The data come from 5,752 smartphone enteries from 103 healthy adults who participated in an experience sampling study about everyday desires. To read about the papers these data come from, check out the following links: (Burr et al., 2020) and (Castrellon et al., Under review)
Each box on the left describes a reported desire. Each box on the right describes a reported personal goal conflict. The size of the box corresponds to the frequency of the goal or desire across the entire sample (e.g. bigger boxes = reported more frequently). The relationship between each reported desire and its conflicting personal goal is represented by a gray line.
Move your mouse over the boxes and gray lines to highlight specific desires and their corresponding conflicting personal goals!
Sankey plot produced using networkD3